There are many system, of astrology which are being practiced world over. Astrologers give different predictions based on different methods and systems of Astrology.
Now the question arises: Is there any system that is logical and scientific?
There are about 600 crores people in the world. If we divide total population of the world in 12 parts we arrive at figure of 50 crores. Predictions on the basis of sun signs means predicting same for 50 crores people of different age, cast, creed & religion. Nadi Astrology is believed to be practiced by Sage Agastya and Sage Bhrigu in ancient times. In addition to Signs, Houses and Planets, Nakshatra ; the Sub Lord , Cusp of Houses and combination of houses are used for most precise predictions. VimshottariDasha and Transits are used for timing the events.
The basic concept of Nadi Astrology is "Nadi”. There are 150 Nadis in a sign or Rashi, one sign is 30 degrees of zodiac. Twelve signs of zodiac grouped into three Categories :
Movable (Chara), Fixed (Sthira) and Dual (Dvisvabhava) signs Nomenclature of 150 Nadis is peculiar to each of these three types of signs. There are 1800 Nadis in 360 degrees. Numbers and names of Nadis are identical among all four Chara signs. Among all four Sthira signs, Numbers and names of Nadis are identical, but numbering is different from those in Chara and Dvisvabhava signs. Similarly, numbering of Nadis in all four Dvisvabhava signs are identical among themselves, but different from Chara or Sthira signs. For instance, the first Nadi in Chara signs such as Aries is VasudhaNadi, but in Sthira sings the order is reversed and Vasudha is 150th Nadi. In Dvisvabhava signs such as Gemini, Vasudha is 76th Nādi, ie from the middle of 150. Thus, there are 450 distinctive names and numbers in full zodiac. Nadi texts use this concept of Nadi as the basic unit for prediction. That is why they are called "Nadigranthas".
According to the principles of Nadi Astrology the Zodiac is divided into 12 equal sub divisions of Signs with equal subdivisions of the 27 Nakshatra. These Nakshatra are further subdivided into unequal "Sub lords". Nadi Astrology lays greater emphasis on the sub lord which is stronger than the Nakshatra& in the same sequence the Nakshatra is stronger than the Planet.
Experience shows that the system of study of Astrology through the Sign, Nakshatra& Sub lord gives most accurate results because in this system we judge every planet on THREE platforms. In this system we cast the horoscope of the native by taking date, time & place of birth and draw the Lagan chart &NirayanaBhavaChalit chart. For predicting any event but combination of Houses is taken into consideration not like in other system of astrology where a single House is taken for giving predictions. For Timing each event VimshottariDasha is used with the final use of Transits.
It is Nadi astrology, which is scientific and gives accurate results. It is governed by definite principles and rules. The relevant factor is the casting of NirayanaBhavaChalit chart, in addition to the lagan (ascendant) chart, which shows the planetary position as observed for an individual from a particular longitude and latitude, or the place of birth of the individual. This system is capable of giving the most accurate predictive results available anywhere in this world presently. It is called scientific because the rules of astrology which apply on one native are applicable on others too, just as science which is similar for all. When getting predictions through Nadi Astrology you can rely on the predictions provided to you.
Saint Agasthiyaris familiarly known to intellects as well as illiterates. The people belonging to all religions hail Saint Agasthiyar. Born through Ascetic’s pitcher, Saint Agasthiyar balanced the world by traveling to south at the time of the marriage of Lord Shiva solemnized at Kailash and ultimately viewed the marriage at Potiya Hill. Apart from this, Saint Agasthiyar brought river Cauvery to South India. All these aspects reveal his competence in the field of Science.
▘Nadi astrology Prediction is extremely ancient, at least 5000 years old. The origin of the Nadi astrology (palm leaf reading) can be traced back to approximately thousands years ago. Nadi astrology is an ancient art of astrology which was practiced by sages of India as Thousands of years ago that the Saptarishi’s who had written the palm leaves with their yogic's power. They are also called as Sages of India. They had the power to look into the past and future of the entire universe and recorded the life of human being who either lived was living or was to live. Their discussions were written on palm leaves in an ancient Tamil script. This can now only be deciphered by Expert Nadi astrologers.
▘These predictions which are written on the palm leaves are from the day the person comes to know the service of Nadi Astrology. So the predictions are pre-written and are just read by the Nadi readers. There must be a millions of Nadi leaves written for each person in the world. But the leaves themselves state that only, if the person has in his karma he will get his leaves. Even though these palm leaves are not only for Indian nationals but also, for foreigners and other nationals belonging to other religions and creeds. It’s all one destiny to get the leaf identified and predictions known to the person concerned.
▘The primary center for Nadi astrology is in Vaitheeswarankoil, near Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu, a state in South India. Here Lord Shiva is said to have assumed the role of a 'Vaidhya' or 'Doctor', who all aviated the miseries of his devotees. It seems that these palm leaves were originally written on animal skins and some leaves, and later texts were copied on palm leaves and these sources were also preserved by applying oil extracted from peacock's blood.
▘NADI in Tamil means ‘’in search of ‘’. Because an individual goes in search of his predictions to this system, it came to be called by this name, Nadi Astrology. The palm leaf inscriptions, otherwise known as Nadies, are scattered throughout India.
▘There are number of Nadies, palm leaf inscriptions available named after the Rishis who composed the same. There are only a few nadi readers available who could interpret the inscriptions which are written in the poetic language.
▘There are various nadies, palm leaf inscriptions available like Atrinadi, Jeevanadi, Grahanadi, Siva nadi, Duruvanadi, Edumbinadi, saptarishinadi, Nandhinadi, Bheemanadi, Nava nadi, Vashistanadi, Agasthiyanadi, Shukhanadi, Brahma nadi, Kaushik nadi, Vashistanadi. As we already mentioned above Nadi Astrology can be known in other names such as naadijosiyam, naadijyotish, nadijosiyam, nadijothidam. We provide Nadi astrology predictions services from our website for your convenience from India.
Results of Planets in various Houses - The planets not only influence your characteristics by being in a sign, but also shape your personality by being present in a particular house at a particular time.
Results of birth in various Nakshatras - you must have heard the term ‘’Nakshatra’’ at some point in your life. Did you know that there are altogether 28 Nakshatras and your birth in a particular Nakshatra defines your physical features, character, general life, education, marriage and career aspects?
Results of birth in Various Lagnas - Lagna or the sign ascending at birth also plays a major role in defining the physical traits, ailments and characteristics. One should know what happens when any one out of the twelve signs is the Langa or the rising sign. So, get hold of your horoscope and contact us.
Dasha Interpretation - Planets keep changing their position in a person’s lifetimeand result in a particular Dasha. Each individual planet controls a single Dasha. One should know the general and specific effects of a particular Dasha and interpret the consequences.
My family is dysfunctional and my parents won't empower me. Consequently I'm not self actualized.
My family is dysfunctional and my parents won't empower me. Consequently I'm not self actualized.
My family is dysfunctional and my parents won't empower me. Consequently I'm not self actualized.